This is my opinion piece in response to online
discussions about the news of Federal
National Council committee adding breastfeeding clause to UAE’s Child Rights
Who said breastfeeding is a choice?

we go back to the Quran it clearly states the desire to complete the term of breastfeeding. An in depth look at
the four ayahs on childbearing and breastfeeding/weaning, we can deduce that a
mother has the choice to complete the term or not, herself. The calculated term for breastfeeding is a range
between twenty-one and twenty-four months, depending on the length of
The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two
whole years, if [you] desire to complete the term. But the father
shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms.
it states here the desire to complete the
term for two whole years, not the desire to breastfeed or not.
And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in
travail up on travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his
weaning: (hear the command).
again, weaning after two years a total of twenty-four months.
We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did
his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. The carrying of the
(child) to his weaning is (a period of) thirty months.
Quran regards breastfeeding a continuation of
child bearing. If a child was carried in the womb for nine months, weaning can be
after twenty-one months to total a term of thirty months. If the child was
carried for less than nine months it is recommended to wean after 24 months for
the completion of the term if she desires
to do so herself.
and if they suckle your (offspring), give them their
recompense: and take mutual counsel together, according to what is just and
reasonable. And if ye find yourselves in difficulties, let another woman
suckle (the child) on the (mother’s) behalf.
is clearly stated here that if the mother chooses not to complete the term of breastfeeding, than another woman shall feed
the baby. If the parents decide mutually that the mother
shall not feed the baby herself, the father is responsible to provide for another
woman to feed the baby on the mother’s behalf to complete the total of thirty
months of child bearing and breastfeeding compiled. So, the choices that we are
looking at here are the choice for the mother to feed or for a wet nurse to
feed. The choices are not between breast milk and artificial milk for the baby,
the choices are breast milk from the mother to complete the term or breast milk
from a wet nurse to complete the term.

The only time feeding naturally for an infant became a choice was with the introduction of artificial milk by artificial milk industries and the
misinterpretation of Quran and science. I personally don’t think it is fair to
impose on an infant anything artificial. It is well documented that breastfed infants
are protected from ailments including diarrhea, respiratory infections, otitis
media, asthma, and many others. Additionally, WHO/UNICEF estimates annual
deaths of 1.5 million infants worldwide because they are subjected to diseases
related to not being breastfed.

would we feed our infants if for some reason the world faced an economic crisis
that shut down all artificial milk factories? How would women know how to breastfeed
if we don’t keep the art of breastfeeding alive? How would our daughters learn
how to breastfeed if we don’t role model for them? Do we have to wait for war,
death, and disease before we realize the value of keeping the art of
breastfeeding alive and protected?
© all rights reserved by Modia Batterjee
Thank you for this post.
ReplyDeleteI already fully agreed on the children's rights aspect of the law, but because I do not actually know an awful lot about the UAE, which is often perceived as oppressive towards women, I felt uneasy about the law because it seems another way of controlling women with men being encouraged to report their wives.
And I think that aspect made a lot of very pro breastfeeding women in the west rather uncomfortable. For me BF is not a choice, it's what I do, but I do not know how I would feel if I knew that my husband could report cessation prior to the age of two.