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Sheikh Yusuf Estes |
A man came to
the Prophet Mohammad and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the
most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your mother. The
man further asked, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man
asked again, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, Muslim)
Religion has
existed in every civilization throughout history and commonly focuses on the
spiritual and social development of individuals, societies, and cultures.
Religious scholars contend that religions have basic features, such as a clear
set of textual statements about right and wrong, with a set of devised
expectations for their followers.
Islam is the
only religion, where maternal well-being and breastfeeding are covered in
detail. The Quran requires that all infants are to be breastfed for the first
two years of life. The Quran also holds the father responsible and requires
that he support the nursing mother by providing her with food and clothing
throughout the breastfeeding period. If the mother is unable to breastfeed, the
father is obligated to provide another lactating woman to feed the infant on
the mother’s behalf. Together WHO, UNICEF, Holy Quran, and Sunnah clearly
stress the importance of breastfeeding for the duration of two complete years.
However, though most mothers in Islamic nations start breastfeeding their
infants after delivery, they cease to do so quickly and introduce supplemental
artificial feedings.
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Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson |
statistics from the U.N. state that today Islam is the worlds second largest
religion after Christianity; with an annual growth rate of around 6.40%
compared to 1.46% for Christianity. According to these statistics, one in five
people on the planet are Muslim. Islamic scholars are very successful in
impacting individuals and sharing their knowledge that supports a healthy and
vigorous community. Despite the
scientific community's effort to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding,
culture and religion still have a significant role, even if they don’t realize
it yet. With
the proper support from Islamic scholars breastfeeding rates should be on the
rise as well.
Science, reported by the Lancet medical journal, has established
that breastfeeding infants under two years of age, has the greatest impact on
child survival rates compared to all other protective medical interventions. In
addition, the Lancet reports that breastfeeding also has the potential to
prevent over 800,000 deaths in children under five in the developing world
where there is a high burden of disease and low access to clean water and
sanitation. Despite this fact the UNICEF website reports that “only 39 per
cent of children less than six months of age in the developing world are exclusively
breastfed and just 58 per cent of 20-23 month olds benefit from the
practice of continued breastfeeding”.
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Sheikh Mufti Ismail Musa Menk |
The potential
impact of optimal breastfeeding practices is especially important in the
developing countries. Yet non-breastfed children in industrialized countries
are also at greater risk of dying despite high sanitation and medical care
access in their communities. UNICEF reports a recent study of post-neonatal
mortality in the United States found a 25% increase among non-breastfed
infants. Similarly in the UK Millennium Cohort Survey, six months of exclusive
breastfeeding was associated with a 53% decrease in hospital admissions for
diarrhea and a 27% decrease in respiratory tract infections.
The Prophet Mohammad
(peace be upon him) said: “God has forbidden for you to be undutiful to your
mothers.” (Sahih AlBukhari)
It is
imperative that women receive true support on all levels. Breastfeeding mothers
warrant support at hospital level, at the work place, and on the social
spiritual level. If scholars are preaching to make the world a better place,
where else is a better place to start than at the crux of humanity where it all
begins, between mother and child? It is essential for all community
leaders to embrace mothers and begin with maternity protection as well as
protection against the unscrupulous marketing of artificial formula milk, to
name but a few measures.
A man once
consulted the Prophet Muhammad about taking part in a military campaign. The
Prophet asked the man if his mother was still living. When told that she was
alive, the Prophet said: “(Then) stay with her, for Paradise is at her feet.”
The WHO and
Islamic text together are very adamant about the importance of breastfeeding
and the need for the child to be breastfed and in close contact with the mother
or milk mother for the first two years of life. So why don’t the Islamic
scholars get behind this global movement and support it?