Morning came quickly, but Sarah could not open
her eyes when she heard her son screaming again the
same way he did during the night. Norah rushed in.
“What? What is going on? Poor, poor boy, have you
been screaming all night?” Norah picked the baby up
out of his crib and carried him out the door. “You stay
with me,” Norah whispered to the screaming baby, “let
your mother sleep,” and she closed the bedroom door.
Sarah was relieved to be alone and left to sleep. She
closed her eyes and felt her breasts throb with milk.
The pressure eased as the milk dripped into the breast
pads and she fell fast asleep.
Sarah awoke that afternoon with unbearable pressure in her breasts; the pain was excruciating. The skin of her breasts was tight and red. She walked into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Oh my God! I can’t bear the pain. “Mama!!” Sarah’s screams echoed down the halls.
Sarah and her mother spent the rest of the day applying hot compresses to the breasts in an attempt to
relieve her pain. Norah’s recommendation to Sarah
was to rest her breasts and not give Abdulrahman any
feeds directly from the breast, because her milk was
now too much and may be infected. Sarah was relieved
by her mother’s advice for two reasons. First, it was
validated by her mother that now she had too much milk, second, she could not bear the pain and pressure in her breast and was happy not breastfeed the
baby. That afternoon, Abdulrahman was bottle fed all
the breast-milk that Sarah was able to express with an
electric pump in an attempt to lessen the abundant
milk supply. However, without Sarah and Norah’s
knowledge, the hot compresses and pumping kept the
blood flowing and increased the swelling of the breast
and the production of milk, causing no relief for the
pain. Sarah cried.
Sarah awoke that afternoon with unbearable pressure in her breasts; the pain was excruciating. The skin of her breasts was tight and red. She walked into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Oh my God! I can’t bear the pain. “Mama!!” Sarah’s screams echoed down the halls.

In the evening, Fahad came over to pick up Sarah
and Abdulrahman to visit the pediatrician to discover
the reason behind the baby’s crying fits. Norah was reluctant to let Sarah go, but she did not want to fight
with Fahad, as he seemed very determined to take
Sarah’s breasts hurt as she watched the pediatrician check Abdulrahman. The baby screamed, which made her breasts fill up with milk and throb; her breasts were so engorged that they no longer dripped as they did before. This made Norah believe that Sarah’s breasts were infected with mastitis. Sara asked the pediatrician, “Why is he screaming like that? He screamed for hours last night, and I didn’t know what to do.”
The doctor spoke with great confidence. “Maybe
your milk is not satisfying him enough. He may need
more than you can provide.” His words did not go down
well with Sarah, because she knew in her heart that
she had plenty of milk, and the evidence was that her
milk had been leaking through her clothes. She dared
not explain to the doctor what was happening with her
body, as it would be too embarrassing to describe to him her breasts and how they were full with milk. “I
think you should try giving him a lactose-free artificial milk formula. This is a new kind that might ease
his suffering,” the pediatrician recommended. Sarah
smiled politely and packed up her baby and his diaper
bag. She and Fahad thanked the doctor and left the
Sarah’s breasts hurt as she watched the pediatrician check Abdulrahman. The baby screamed, which made her breasts fill up with milk and throb; her breasts were so engorged that they no longer dripped as they did before. This made Norah believe that Sarah’s breasts were infected with mastitis. Sara asked the pediatrician, “Why is he screaming like that? He screamed for hours last night, and I didn’t know what to do.”

In the car, Sarah cried. As soon as Fahad asked her
why she was crying, she began to sob. Her feelings of
fear, frustration, and confusion were out of control. “I
don’t understand why everybody thinks I don’t have
milk, or don’t have enough milk, or that my milk might
be the reason that Abdulrahman is crying. I want to be
a good mother, but my mother always makes me feel
like I don’t know enough. I know that she has good
intentions, but her statements are strong. I feel like
she knows more than I do, which is true. I don’t understand why Allah would create a mother’s body to make
milk, but then gives her a baby that cries all the time
and is harmed by that exact milk! How can this be?”
“Sarah, my dear, don’t be upset. Relax. Please don’t cry. It is just a matter of time and you will be in our home and together we can do what is best for Abdulrahman. Just relax, and do what you think is best for the baby now. Listen to your mom, because she has experience, and breastfeed him every time that you can. If he cries and shows that he is still hungry after you breastfeed him, give him the bottle of the lactose- free milk. That way you are pleasing everyone—your mother, Allah, the doctor, and Abdulrahman.” Fahad realized the pressure that Sarah was under, and he felt that he needed to give her culturally appropriate advice that would not confuse her further or cause any more distress. Sarah smiled and her shoulders dropped as she stared at her beautiful baby sleeping in her arms. It is not customary for families to use car seats for children and infants in Saudi Arabia.
“Sarah, my dear, don’t be upset. Relax. Please don’t cry. It is just a matter of time and you will be in our home and together we can do what is best for Abdulrahman. Just relax, and do what you think is best for the baby now. Listen to your mom, because she has experience, and breastfeed him every time that you can. If he cries and shows that he is still hungry after you breastfeed him, give him the bottle of the lactose- free milk. That way you are pleasing everyone—your mother, Allah, the doctor, and Abdulrahman.” Fahad realized the pressure that Sarah was under, and he felt that he needed to give her culturally appropriate advice that would not confuse her further or cause any more distress. Sarah smiled and her shoulders dropped as she stared at her beautiful baby sleeping in her arms. It is not customary for families to use car seats for children and infants in Saudi Arabia.

Sarah shared with her friends that she was still breastfeeding him at two months. Many smiled in disbelief and others scorned her about breast milk not being nutritious or satisfying enough for a two-month-old baby boy. She heard comments like, “Poor boy, he will not be full if you only breastfeed. I hope you are giving at least one feed a day of formula,” “When you breastfeed you are tied down, and the baby does not sleep well at night,” “How can you breastfeed? Your breasts are so small, I’m sure you don’t have enough.” These comments hurt Sarah, but confirmed what her mother had been telling her all along. Everybody was saying the same thing, so it must be true. Sarah breastfed Abdulrahman as much as she could, but by the age of four months, he went on a breast refusal strike and weaned himself.

Abdulrahman as he lay in her lap half-awake. Fahad
was at a loss and did not know what to do to help; this
was the fourth time that his now six-month-old son had
suffered from an ear infection in just a few weeks. “His
temperature won’t go down” Sarah said to Fahad with
a weak and tired whisper. “As long as we are giving him
the medications there is nothing we can do,” Fahad
responded to her quietly. The pediatrician’s voice
repeated over and over in Fahad’s head. He could hear
him explain that their son could suffer from chronic
otitis media (ear infections) if they were not careful,
and that would mean surgery to insert tubes in the eardrums to protect any potential hearing loss in the future. The doctor’s voice was interrupted by a piercing
wail coming from Abdulrahman. Fahad jumped and
ran over to his baby and tried to calm him down, he
continued to ask, “what can I give you to help?”
All parents strive to provide for their children the
best opportunities for health, education, and wealth.
However, some parents may not realize how valuable
and influential the practice of effective breastfeeding
is on a child’s wellbeing. Unfortunately, in the Middle
East breastfeeding is not cherished as an investment
that deserves the time and attention. The short story
demonstrates how breastfeeding is recommended in a
Saudi community but it is not supported. In most cases
even if a mother and father have every intention to
breastfeed their child the surrounding environment
does not support it therefore forcing it to fail.

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